? Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I' m on sick leave today.. by dose is as itchy as ever.. translation? my nose is as itchy as ever! I keep on sneezing nonstop. If i were to take antihistamines i'd doze off. hmmm
On friday gilly and I will be attending a wedding. It's our first ever. Kakilig naman he invited me hehe It's his client's wedding daw. He' s so good at what he does he gets invited to such events. He was surprised nga daw when he got an invitation he thought it was sent wrong. Anyway, I need to don a bolero for my tube dress. yihii :)
1 lurVes..
? me
? Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Work has been great and fun. Our team's stats are at it's highest and I have this feeling i' ll reach my goal! :) Malapit na kami ma-regularize! Gilly and I are doing good. Happy and growing stronger. I't s fun being a bank officer with the benefits, friends, perks of the work itself... *sigh*
I loved how my bday turned out.
July 12, 2008
footspa - a day alone -
inuman with my oldest, closest friends
July 13, 2008
Enchanted Kingdom with bebe!!
pictures at my multiply *
0 lurVes..
? me
? Wednesday, July 09, 2008
June 29, 2008 at Big Red Barn...
fun fun fun! at Uzuri's first bday.. Sure there were mishaps but they' re bareable. Thanks to those who made it {and thanks to those who didn't choose pacquiao over us! hehe} :)
More pictures at my multiply :)
2 lurVes..
? me