? Friday, April 15, 2005
don't go packin ur bags just yet..
there's still more honey..
and the fact that ur shades are way too big for ur eyes to hide..
hmm ?
so where hav u been dear lurker?
still happy wid d way thngs are..
i ges dats y u almost left..
wid that one-way ticket in ur hand..
has the train left already?
or did u really wait?
somehow i dont see the point in it.
so y stay?
y not go?
somehow u made up ur mind..
but wen u saw him u fell hard on ur knees,
as hard as u fell for him the first fullmoon..
so y stammer?
uve been with him for quite sometime now..
y bluff?
somehow i dont see the point in it..
ure scared to walk away..
yet u find urself running..
but y run away wen in his direction u found ur home?
but somehow i dont see the point in it..
so u sed ul back off a little..
were u happy wen u stepped back?
oh f**k what's point?
somehow i dont see any..none at all..